Shock Collars for Rottweilers
Dog Collars

Use these shock collars on your Rottweilers to achieve Great training results

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Last Updated/Info Checked on January 16, 2024 by Linda Michaels

Rottweilers are lovey-dovery family companions but only when they are trained well from their puppyhood. Later in their lives, things could get seriously out of hand as, despite their nature, they could get aggressive or develop other behaviors that need correction.

Over the years, I have trained Rottweilers that were rescued. They had lost their ways but it wasn’t their fault. In the past, they were either treated very badly, had lost their owners, or moved unhealthily from one place to another. All of that had taken a toll on their lives and behaviors.

Intervening with shock collars had become a norm for me because, with positive reinforcement, these gadgets work like magic.

Below you’ll find the best shock collars for Rottweilers that I tried and tested to bring them back to where they were.

Why Train Rottweilers With A Shock Collar?

There are many methods of training a Rottweiler. Almost all of them take into account their fearsome strength. But fear not as there’s little truth to the breed’s ferociousness with their owners. They are adaptable dogs with an eagerness to please their owners. Therefore, training them for obedience is a breeze.

However, at the same time, it’s important to understand that without proper training regimes and tools, you can end up in a bad situation. It’s true for using shock collars as well.

When you get everything right, it will reduce the training time and provide a reliable and long-lasting way to reinforce positive reinforcement.

You can use the collars in tandem with your commands. This inadvertently lets you use the commands in the future instead of the stimulations. 

Moreover, your Rottweiler may ignore your training method, but it won’t be able to ignore the shock coming from the device. The training is always less cumbersome.

With that, here’s the list of the products I want you to check out.

My Worthy List of 7 Best Training Collars for Rottweilers

Without further ado, let’s get on to the list.

Let me review each of the mentioned products one by one so you can make an informed decision.

Important Information To Consider About The Collars On The List

Collar NameReceiver SizeNeck SizeDog SizeCharging HoursStimulation Levels
Dogtra iQ Plus2.2″ x 1.6″ x 1.1″10″ to 26″10 lbs to 120 lbs20 to 481 to 100
Easy Educator2″ x 1.5″ x 1″8″ to 30″5 lbs to 150 lbs40 to 901 to 256
Bousnic 2″ x 1.3″ x 1″6″ to 30″5 lbs to 120 lbs50 to 100+1 to 99
Dogtra 1900S2.8″ x 1.8″ x 1.210″ to 26″20 lbs to 35lbs60 to 721 to 127
SportDOG Brand FieldTrainer 425X2.6″ x 1.3″ x 1.23″5″ to 22″8 lbs to 120 lbs50 to 701 to 7
PATPET 2.4″ x 1.14″ x 1.4″7.8″ to 25.5″8 lbs to 110 lbs20 to 481 to 16
PetSpy P6202.9″ x 1.2″ x 1.3″9″ to 21″10 lbs to 140 lbs60 to 701 to 16

1. Dogtra iQ Plus

Vibrations Are Enough

The Dogtra iQ Plus takes after Pet Resolve in reliability and effectiveness. It helps you train the dog without hurting it. Throughout my time with it, I found that only the vibrations were enough to elicit attention from Rottweilers. 

However, when things got out of my control, I’d use the shock feature occasionally. Remember that the levels could be tough on the dog because that’s how potent the device is.

By that, I mean the shocks are too much for such a malleable breed. Even level 1 suffices for the most stubborn Rottweiler. Any level beyond that will send the poor thing yelping for comfort. 

That’s why I said you should rely on the vibration and beep to do away with the bad behaviors such as digging, Jumping, lunging at a fellow dog, or tugging away at ordinary things. 

Stimulation Levels

Changing the levels of stimulation has been made quite easy. In the compact design of the remote, the manufacturer has managed to fit in a dial that changes the levels.

There are 100 levels but you won’t need them. 

Once you’ve selected the levels, you could either nick the dog, which is the slightest jerk of shock, or hit it with a continuous array.

The latter has been proven handy when I trained a dog that was hell-bent on chewing away at the sofa. It was as if he had sensed a treasure of dog treats beneath. Later, we did find out that there were treats falling beneath the sofa.

That alone should tell you that your dog’s behaviors are a product of many things. It’s not like the devil has taken over it. 

Two Channels

You could train two dogs simultaneously with one remote.

Switching between the channels takes no time and if you’re training a Rottweiler and a German Shepherd as I did back in the day, you may want to pick this one up. 

However, as I said, be sure to check the shock on yourself before on the dogs because higher shocks could lead to negative reinforcement. The dogs could potentially run away from you – at least the Rottweiler will.

Why Do I Recommend Dogtra iQ Plus over Dogtra 1900s?

Dogtra iQ Plus is easy to use. Those who are looking for a premium product but not the shenanigans with it should consider the product. I have also mentioned the Dogtra 1900s in this list, but I preferred the IQ Plus version.

What Makes It Different From Its Competitors?

Dogtra has made this product for less tech-savvy people. From the remote to the receiver, setting up everything was super convenient for me and that’s the difference I felt.


  • Exceptional battery life
  • One-handed remote operation
  • Great for management training
  • Sturdy build


  • Remote could go haywire, so use it in your supervision

2. Easy Educator

Shock Levels

The Easy Educator Shock collar has soft shock levels for a dog that looks ferocious but is a darling on the inside. I’m talking about Rottweilers, of course. Below 20 to 25 levels, the shocks will warrant attention from the dog, but anything after that may be too much to take for them.

You should be careful enough to understand your dog’s capacity before jacking up the levels.

Not to mention, the difference in shocks between the levels is not too high to startle the soul out of your dog. 


It has a heavy receiver that the dog cannot ignore. Just be wise and swap its strap for bungee and you’ll have it put on in no time. 


One other reason for including this is its programming feature. Each unit comes with a USB that you can plug into your computer and program the remote according to your wishes.

Four buttons, two on the sides, and two on the front serve to administer whatever levels you’ve set. You could even set tone + vibration or set them individually by choosing from the 7 levels of vibration and 4 levels of beep.

The little bummer in doing so is that the software doesn’t work on Macs. It is solely produced for Windows. 

You could even set and lock the stimulation with a dedicated button on the remote. It is bulkier enough for you to find it without a problem. For small hands like mine, blind operation, thus, is a long shot. 


In other features that could warrant your attention, there’s an LED right beneath the collar that’s bright enough for you to find the dog or for pedestrians to see it during the night.

The Educator collar comes with a waterproof feature so it is highly recommended for Rottweilers who enjoy swimming.

And considering the bulk of it, the remote works through the walls. So, if you have got a Rottweiler on guard, using it from the inside won’t be a problem. 

The stimulation on this collar was enough to train a 3-year-old Rottweiler. On level 20, it would drop the ball and come over. As it seems, the collar is perfect for recalling previous training or verbal commands.

Why Do I Recommend “Easy Educator” Over the Conventional Educator Collar?

Educator EZ stays true to its name. During my use and the tests I ran, I felt that the company has targeted people who want convenience in what they use. It’s the Educator’s answer to Dogtra iQ.

What Sets It Apart from Its Competitors?

Compared to Dogra iQ, it’s expensive but surely long-lasting.


  • Solidifies previous training
  • Small steps between the shock levels
  • Highly programmable
  • Easy to use remote


  • The software works with Windows only

3. Bousnic Shock Collar

Features Of An Expensive Collar

The Bousnic Dog Collar doesn’t look like an expensive product such as SportDog, but it does have features that give it good competition. In this pack, you get two collars that are controlled by a single remote. I’d say this is a great deal for training another dog with your Rottweiler

Is it good for a rottweiler, though? I’ve trained a Great Dane and Mastiff together with these two collars because the owner could afford this one so far. Both of them listened to the buzz and the beep.

We didn’t need to go as far as to shock any of them. 

Channel Switching

Switching between the channels was easy. However, it will require some effort and training on your part to get a hang of it finally. I do wish there was an actual switch, not a button to make things easier. 


If that’s not easier, then putting the collar on the dog is very easy. There’s a snap at the back that’s fairly better than a buckle.

The nylon straps will fit even if your dog has a neck size of 26 inches. Overall, I vouch for the ease of use in terms of the remote and the collar together.

Dedicated Buttons for Each Function

There are dedicated buttons for each function, for once with 16 levels of shock and 8 levels of vibration. The level of vibration is a welcome feature because that’s what gets most dogs.

They understand it better. When I was training a 7-month-old Rottweiler, the vibration would do wonders so much that I’d have to show it the remote and it would comply. 

Great Battery Life

The battery life is great. I got a week out of the collar and more from the remote. Some owners thought otherwise about the battery but I think it entirely depends on your use of the collars. 

Why Do I Recommend Bousnic?

Just like Pet Resolve, this one also has dedicated buttons for everything. However, they both differ in battery lives, where Bousnic wins.

What Sets It Apart From Its Competitors?

Plastic has been used abundantly to make the product. That makes it sturdier than its competitors.


  • Two collars; one remote
  • Easy to use remote and collar
  • Strong vibrations enough to startle the dog
  • Built for small, medium, and large dogs


  • Not good quality control

4. Dogtra 1900S Series

The Dogtra 1900S has my vote for being aggressive Rottweilers. Now, I do understand that the breed is lovey-dovey with its family. But I’ve seen my share of dogs from the breed that was aggressive enough to scare the soul out of you.

Intense Static Levels

For aggressive dogs, the Dogtra 1900S brings intense static levels that I’ve seen suffice for even the most relentless dogs you own.

The strap fits snuggly onto their necks and those necks are huge. The last Rottweiler I had trained with this one was a 100lbs giant with a 23-inch neck.

Certainly, there weren’t any issues. 

Once strapped in, choose an appropriate level from the 127 levels available on the remote.

The rheostat dial is cumbersome, I wish there were buttons for that, but getting used to it is not hard at all. There’s a balance between how much you turn the nob and the corresponding level you get. 

As a trainer, I term this device as designed for professional training. IPOs and other forms will bear results soon after you start using them. So much so that just by showing the remote, the dog will understand what you mean.

That’s the power of its nick. 

However, if you sense there have been some distractions on the way, hitting the continuous button could pull the dog out of it. 

Checkered Grip

The remote has a checkered grip, which is again, suitable for retaining it in your hand during serious training.

Ergonomic Receiver

I also love how the receiver is ergonomic in every sense. It doesn’t put a strain on the voice box of the dog or anywhere else on the neck. But do follow my recommendation and strap the collar to the point where one of your fingers goes in easily. 

If you’re not a fan of shocking your dog, the High-Performance Pager could come in handy.

It’s not just vibration but a kind of loud tap on the neck that alerts a Rottweiler even when he’s busy digging out the hidden treasure in your backyard. 

Trust me, most of the time, you’ll be using it.

Why Do I Recommend Dogtra 1900s?

This collar is made for super stubborn dogs. So, if your Rottweiler has been acting weird lately, it could help you bring it back to its normal self.

What’s Different From Its Competitors?

The intensity of static stimulation is higher than most of its competitors.


  • High-quality durable collar
  • Easy to use remote
  • HPP does wonder
  • Static levels are not too harsh below 20


  • There’s a clear difference in the charge-holding capacity of the remote and the collar

5. SportDOG Brand 425X

Beep and Vibration

The SportDog 425X is made for stubborn Rottweilers. There are beep and vibration modes but bringing them on has a steep learning curve.

I would very much like to blame the design team because they managed to bring both modes to a single option on the knob. 

But you may not need these two at all. I mean beep is okay but the vibration isn’t stronger than that of your phone.

Static Stimulation

I sometimes think this collar was produced just to administer shocks and that’s it, which it does efficiently.

You’d have no issues changing the intensity levels of the shock, though.

Come to think of it, I’ve used this with Rottweilers and the level 3 has been more than enough to stop them in their stride, drop the ball, and come over. The level 4 had made many of them yelps in pain probably, so I wouldn’t recommend going that far.

Remote Size

The remote fits the size of an average palm. If you have small hands, they will feel bigger. Not that this is a deal breaker because nothing should keep you from teaching your stubborn dog some obedience, but it’s still noteworthy.

But even when you drop it on the ground as I have done a lot of times on wooden floors in a stable, the remote’s construction makes it less prone to breakage.

That’s to say that the manufacturer has done a great job in maintaining the quality of the product. The design team could keep the vibration and beep modes a little farther away from one another.

Collar Strength

This collar is going to stay with you for long, only if your dog doesn’t chew the remote in revenge. 

Even after a year into use, none of the components would heat up. I hate collars that take temperatures up a notch.

That becomes a little too much for the poor thing. Not with this product, though. No heating. Garmin Sports Pro could learn a thing or two from them in this regard.

The strap is more than enough for a neck of 22” or 24”. You may want to change it later if the dog grows or you may have to buy the collar anew because longevity isn’t what the collar’s known for – not at least in terms of its functions.

Why Do I Recommend SportDOG 425X?

SportDog 425X is perfect for hunters. Operating it is less of a hassle and dropping it in mud or water isn’t a problem.

What Makes It Different Than Others?

The collar strength of the product is impressive enough to beat its competitors by a mile.


  • Smart and elegant design
  • Sturdy construction
  • Good range
  • Three levels of static charge


  • Vibration and tone have the same place on the knob


PATPET is my go-to collar for stubborn dogs, including Rottweilers, Huskies, and Bulldogs. This device has not shied away from correcting their behaviors ranging from barking, digging, nipping, couch chewing, and biting. 

Beep Works Better

With Rottweilers, I was able to control them just by using the beep feature. It’s loud and better than most products I have used. You could hear it yourself let alone the dog.

One of my friends was using a Rottweiler as a guard dog. Not that it needed any particular training in that aspect as the breed loves guarding naturally, but the barking was getting out of control. It would bark at things that didn’t warrant the behavior in the first place. Luckily, three days of use of the collar had this behavior corrected. 

However, as with him, and I suggest this to you too, I didn’t overdo it because that would have reduced his reactive barking as well.

Smart Collar

The collar is smart and effective but using it within limits is the number 1 advice you’re getting from me. 

Your dog could be smart but for that, the device has another feature up its collar. You may not want to call it a feature, just a design genius.


You could easily use the remote blindly to not let the dog be collar-smart. As a trainer, that’s the worst that could happen to your investment. 

Another worst thing that could happen is jumping in the pool with your dog. The collar holds back water strongly but not the remote. It will lose all functions if you plunge it into water.

You could use it during the rain. No worries about doing that.

Why Do I Recommend PATPET?

Patpet 680’s remote control made my life easier and it will do the same for you.

What Sets It Apart From Its Competitors?

The fact that its nylon collar is way sturdier than its competitors sets it apart.


  • Works great with bulky rottweilers
  • Large area coverage
  • Vibration works better than most collars
  • Comes with an extra collar strap


  • Have to press the tone button to get the LED working

7. PetSpy P620 Dog Collar

Perfect for Pups

This collar came to the rescue when I was training a Rottweiler puppy of 1 year. The fact that it held the charge for a whole day made it suitable for training a feisty pup with seemingly endless energy.

However, the collar held more charge than the remote. The good thing here is that you could keep the remote plugged in case it was low on battery and keep using the product without caring about the collar going empty.

Dedicated Buttons On The Remote

While the remote is great for all the features. I’m a big fan of the dedicated buttons and the fact that this one has a switch for switching between channels rather than a button.

However, it seems the company made some compromises in its quality and the collars to make them affordable. 

Yes, this is by far a budget collar but for those who seek long-term usage–I’m talking about years–then, this isn’t for you. But come to think of it, why would you use a collar for years? 

I tend to use it with positive reinforcement to train the dog for a long time. The dog barely forgets what I teach it, then. 


Improvements could also be made to the LED of the remote. It only turns on when you press a button, which sometimes produces a lapse between the button you press for the function to take place. 

Shock Level During Continuous Use

While all three modes of correction produce results, there isn’t any button that would take the shock up a notch during continuous use. There’s no button spared for the latter at all. 

Also, you cannot control the levels of vibration as with most premium devices. I do vouch for the reliability and applicability of the vibration.

It startles a dog and makes it stop doing whatever it’s doing and return to you. 

For your Rottweiler, however, before using it, make sure you change the strap with a bungee. The buckle isn’t of good quality for such a powerful dog.

Why Do I Prefer PetSpy P620 Over PetSpy M686?

I recommend the product because it has been quite handy in training Rottweilers. The remote is easy to use, but it’s the collar’s size that takes all the marks. People from afar won’t be able to spot it.

What Sets It Apart From Its Competitors?

It has a small remote with a small gear for changing channels. It’s hard enough to stay in its place.


  • Budget collar with premium features
  • Easy to use remote control
  • Perfect size for Rottweilers
  • Easy channel switching


  • The buckle is susceptible to breakage; may need to change the strap

Frequently Asked Questions About Training Collars for Rottweiler

How to make the most out of your Rottweiler collars?

Rottweilers have intimidating looks but they are the sweetest lot in the dog world. You’ll find them a people pleaser and that’s why they are one of the easily trainable breeds you can own.

However, you need to have at least some experience with that because their intelligence may pose some hurdles. They expect something in return for obeying you during the training sessions.

Using the shock collars on them becomes indispensable when their dominance kicks in. They will try to overpower you, so be wary of that.

Here’s how to make the most of the shock collar you buy to be able to stop that and other grievances.

1. Do not use high shock levels

Since the breed is trainable, you don’t need to use high shock levels to get its attention. 

I’m not saying you shouldn’t be ready to push some boundaries with the disruptors. I’m just saying, be mindful of how your dog’s going to respond to the individual level.

2. Use treats

Treats when used with shock collars double the effectiveness. In fact, positive reinforcement from treats makes the training memorable for them. You may not use the shock collar at all in the future and what’s better than this?

Feed them one when they perform the action, not too late after it or too early. There’s a small window after the action for positive reinforcement to work.

3. Refrain from over-using the collar

Your relationship with the dog is precious. Using the collar for every little reinforcement will jeopardize it big time. Therefore, try to use the collar only for about 4 hours a day or even less to safeguard the dog’s mental and physical health.

I’d prefer even less time. Remember, it’s always the recurrence of training that helps a dog learn, not the intensity or length. So, make sure you train your pet every day for enough time that the dog can bear it.

4. Check for any distress signs

Lastly, you also should look for any distress signs that tell how the dog’s doing under the collar’s influence. This breed is tough when push comes to shove but it still has certain limits.

Read the manual and then check how the dog responds to each level of the static shock. You should select the one where he responds without showing signs of distress. The moment he yelps or jumps, refrain from using that particular level at all. 

5. Make Use of Vibration Stimulation More

Using the static shock in the first stages of training is effective but continuing its use may harm your relationship with the dog. That’s when I tell the owners that it’s time to use the vibration stimulation or the buzzer of a collar. As Herbdoc2012 on Reddit notes, using the vibration feature as a warning sign for the dog returns more benefits. I also confirm this from my experience.

Here’s how to go about it:

  • Always start with the vibration first in a training session followed by a benign static shock.
  • Repeat it over a period of time until the dog knows what’s coming after the vibration.
  • When that happens, resort to vibrations only and you’ll see that the dog will respond.

I know you have some questions in mind, so let’s take a look.

Do shock collars work on Rottweilers?

They do work on Rottweilers no matter how stubborn they are. However, before using them, make sure you have adequate training.

Also, when you are about to use them, first try the shock on yourself to see if it’s not too harsh. You could skip using the shock feature altogether as many collars come with vibration, beep, and shock modes.

What kind of collar is best for a Rottweiler?

Rottweilers are huge dogs. So, look for a collar that has at least 22 to 24 inches long strap, preferably nylon.

Also, it should have shock features with different levels, even if the vibration isn’t. I suggest Dogtra iQ Plus.

What size collar fits my Rottweiler puppy best?

You should buy a collar with at least a 22” strap. There’s no way you could find the perfect size. All you have to do is cut off the extra strap. 

Collars for Rottweilers – The Winner 

The shock collars that I’ve included in the list have their own use focus. That’s to say, each gives you something unique that the other one does not. Therefore, it’s always best to read the reviews and decide for yourself which one suits your needs. 

But if you ask me to mention an overall winner, I’d go with Dogtra iQ Plus for its versatility. Feel free to choose it if you’re just starting the use of shock collars to train your dog.

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